Monday, July 11, 2016

In twee gesneden

De gevoelens die ik nu heb kan ik niet beschrijven. Maar ik voel me wel alsof mijn hart in twee word gesneden.  Ik ben zo zeer dankbaar voor de twee jaren ik had om mijn heiland en verlosser beter te leren kennen.  Elke dag de kans hebben om met hem te werken.  Elke dag, heel de dag.  Tijdens mijn zending heb ik van alles ervart.  Ik had de diepste van dallen en het hoogste van bergen.  Maar op het eind kan ik wel zeg dat ik weet wie dat ik ben.   Ik ben zon van een hemelse vader dat mij zo veel lief heeft, en ik voor hem.  Ik ben broer met Jezus de Christus, onze volmaakte vorbeeld, onze middelaar, en trouwe vriend.   Door hun heb ik eeuwige en onbeperkte mogelijkheden.  Ik mak deel uit hun gezin.  Ik weet dat er goed in de wereld is, dat ik a verschil kan maken, met hun hulp.  Ik ben er enorm dankbaar voor.  Ik hou van de mensen in België en Nederland.  Zij zijn ook kinderen van onze hemelse vader, net als wij alle hier op aarde.  'Want alzo lief heeft God de wereld gehad, dat Hij Zijn eniggeboren Zoon gegeven heeft, opdat een ieder die in Hem gelooft, niet verdwenen zouden gaan, maar het eeuwige leven hebben. Want God heeft Zijn Zoon niet gezonden in de wereld, opdat Hij de wereld veroordelen zou, maar opdat de wereld door Hem behouden zou worden.' (Johannes 3:16-17)

I love you guys so much!  See you soon!

-Elder Hayden Lott

Question of the week:  What is one of the things you will most miss about Belgium-Netherlands/Europe after returning to the United States?

Answer:  I'm going to miss the people that I've met, my second family.   I'm also going to miss the cheese, natural sugar in food products, good public transportation, classic old architecture, a giant mix of cultures, vla, fun driving, busy overcrowded cities, speaking dutch, ahhhhhhhhh... yeah a lot of things.  But I am looking forward to a lot of things in America as well. My heart is being torn in two as we speak.  Good thing we live in a modern world and I'll get to come back some day.

Love you guys! 

Monday, July 4, 2016

Finishing Strong


So this week was fantastic!  Mostly because I got to go back to Antwerpen for Mxx's baptism!  That was such a great moment!  She is such an amazing person, and there were miracles that followed her conversion.  I feel like she is one of the people I needed to meet/teach on my mission so it felt good to enjoy that moment with her and her family.

Other than that I'm just trying to finish strong.  It's going to be a good week.

I know that the Book of Mormon is true, it entices all men who read it to do good and to be good, to believe in Christ and to come closer to Him.  I know Joseph Smith is the prophet who the the Lord used to restore His church in this last dispensation.

Click here to read the Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith

I love you all!

-Elder Lott

Question of the Week:  Is there very much German influence in Eastern Belgium, or is it only Dutch and French?

Answer:  There is a pretty small German influence in Eastern Belgium, a little piece given to them from after the war, but it's not really anywhere in our mission so we don't ever have contact with it.  They stay pretty segregated as well so we don't run into very many Germans.  Well, except for the beaches during the summer.  I learned that last year serving in Brugge.  Pretty much the Belgium coast becomes little Germany during that time.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Ward Newsletter Article


Hey everybody!  So this week was pretty good.  Got quite a few new investigators and had some experiences I'll never forget.

Here is a preview of what I sent in to the ward news letter:  

As my time here in the mission field comes to a close I don't have all that much to say, mostly because until I have a moment for me and the Lord to sit down and talk about it I don't feel like I could give everything I've experienced and learned the right words.  There is a scripture that comes pretty close to summing everything up though.  Helaman 3:35 says: 

 'Nevertheless they did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God.'

Over the course of my mission I have seen that all those who yield their hearts to God are those who are blessed the most, and who are brought closest to the Lord.  They begin to act like him, faith and light fills their lives, and the difference can be felt and seen.  That goes for missionaries, members, investigators....  Everyone.  We are are children of a loving Heavenly Father.  He has a plan for us.  Jesus Christ is central to that plan.  Jesus Chirst is our savior and redeemer.  Our example and our friend.  I love them both and all they have done for us.

Neal A. Maxwell
'Willing to Submit'
Ensign, May 1985

Love you guys so much!

-Elder Hayden Lott

Question of the Week:  Are Belgians crazy about their team in the UEFA tournament, or is it not a big deal?

Answer:  It is crazy right now with the European cup!  Belgium is doing really well and pretty much everywhere we go we see Belgian flags and decorations.  It is hard not to watch the games because they have all been at night and our apartment is really close to the Market square where they play all the games on a big screen.  But the Lord has been blessing us for our dedicating ourselves to the work, and it helps give me conversation starters to ask about the game :)

Belgian Football Team